Thursday, January 2, 2020

Ways Of Men And Women - 1131 Words

12.) Ways that men and women differ in how they cope with stress is that men are more likely to fight or leave, while women seek social support. Men will become focused, while women tend to become emotional and overwhelmed. 13.) People from different cultures may differ in their cognitive appraisals of stress because it indicates an individual s ethnic background is associated with what that person appraises as stressful. 14.) Hardiness is a characteristic that distinguishes stress-resistant people from those who are more susceptible to it s harmful effects. It refers to a bunch of characteristics, than just one. 15.) Hardy people differ from others by three respects. The first one is commitment (rather than alienation) and this is†¦show more content†¦There more likely than pessimists to seek social support and they re more likely to emphasize the positive in their appraisals of stressful events. Pessimists are more likely to deal with stress by giving up or engaging in denial. On the other hand, optimists are better at coping with the distress associated with everything from menopause to heart surgery. 17.) There are three general options for coping with stress. The first general option for coping is to change environments. This is where we might choose to move to another city, change jobs, separate from our spouse, and etc. The second general option for coping is to change the environment. This is where we can often work to improve the situation that is causing us so much stress. The third general option for coping is to change me (improve my coping skills). This is where it s important to remember that it s not really the event that causes stress, but it s our reaction to it; our attitude. 18.) Self-talk affects the perceptions of stress because most of our stress is unnecessary and it really comes from faulty conclusions we have made about the world. It s really our interpretations like what we say to ourselves about our experiences, that will create the emotions of anxiety, anger, and depression. 19.) Rational and irrational beliefs differ because rational are the beliefs that result in appropriate emotions and behaviors. Appropriate emotions and emotions are those that are more

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